JAKARTA – Not wanting to be left behind from its competitors, Facebook added a feature update to the platform-his. This time, the application made by Mark Zuckerberg allows users to share the screen while making a video call.
At first glance this feature is similar to screen sharing popularized Zoom, where users can continue the screen display of their device in the display teleconference. Summarized from EngadgetThis service can be used by Facebook Messenger users on iOS or Andorid devices.
“We know people are trying to stay connected and screen sharing is the newest feature we are releasing to bring them closer together,” said Facebook on its official website, Friday, July 23.
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Later, this feature will allow Facebook Messenger users to share their screens with other users in Rooms, from photo galleries, online sites that are being visited, or both browsing social media.
When accessed via a mobile application, users can share the screen display with the eight participants in a group video call. Meanwhile, if accessing via desktop via Messenger Room, features screen sharing supports up to 16 participants.
To use this feature, users must first update the Facebook Messenger application to the latest version. Most likely, this service will also be implemented regularly cross-platform on WhatsApp and Instagram.
New FaceID-style security features (doc. Facebook)
Face Verification
Facebook also updated the security system on its Messenger application. Now Messenger users on iOS devices allow additional security support in the form of FaceID or TouchID.
This security feature called App Lock was introduced to Messenger users in its latest update. This feature is provided to increase the user’s sense of security when chatting using the application.
According to Facebook, through this feature, users have more options to maintain chat privacy on Facebook Messenger. When the App Lock feature is activated, users are required to enter their registered fingerprint or face verification data.
Unfortunately, this security feature is only available for iOS users. The plan is that Facebook will also release system updates for Android users in the next few months.
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